14 things to keep your children occupied on a long flight

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How to keep your child entertained and happy (and keep you sane) on a long flight, train or car ride.

A busy child is a happy child and that’s one of the keys to keeping your child happy during a traveling journey. Most of these tips are focused on air travel, but can be used for trains, planes and automobiles (or even boats, long Uber/Lyft rides, or even subway rides).

Your child gets a personal item or carry-on, use it to your advantage to fit all the things below:

1. Bring plenty of snacks

Eating is a child’s favorite pastime. Pack some healthy and yummy snacks for them to munch on.

2. Bring a reusable water bottle for each child 

Have your child choose a new water bottle that they’ll enjoy and you will save a little money by filling up the water in the airport. You can use the reusable water bottle while traveling during your vacation.

3. Pack your child’s favorite books

Or even better, bring a brand new book about your child’s favorite topic. The new book may be interesting and keep their focus and attention longer.

4. Pack a bag with your kid’s items in one or multiple bags

Each child gets a personal item and carry-on, use it to your advantage and customize each bag to their personal taste, i.e. books, games, water bottle, etc.

5. Walk around the plane

Great way to get some energy out and stretch for both of you.

6. Count the clouds

You can also spot the most interesting cloud you can find.

7. Read in-flight magazines

Or just look at the pictures and have them make up a story.

8. Watch an in-flight movie

Child headphones help so the volume isn’t too loud for them. Our child really enjoys this one from Amazon.

9. Have them sleep with a neck pillow

They can use this around their neck (depending on their age) or as a regular pillow. My kids have done both and it really helps them sleep. If you want to your kids to sleep on the plane, check out this post.

10. Buy new toys from the dollar store that they haven’t seen

Wrap them up so it takes them more time to open and play with them.

11. Reusable stickers/post-its to put on the window 

Kids will enjoy drawing pictures on the post-its and place them on the window or on the food tray. Don’t forget to keep the plastic cling for the reusable stickers so you can use them on the flight home.

12. Water wow pens and book

My youngest child LOVED this and spent a good 30 minutes coloring the whole book.

13. Magic markers

The kids love these and are very easy to transport

14. Use wicky stix on the food tray to create fun new designs and toys

My kids absolutely love this. We gave them an old camera or you can buy a new inexpensive one (amazon link) and they can take pictures of their airplane adventures including the plane, clouds, mountains, farms, etc.